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wear the beard
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wear a cut-glass veil
wear a high belly
wear a mourning veil
wear a pair of horn-rimmed glasses
wear a turtleneck sweater
wear bifocals
wear boxer shorts
wear giddy beads
wear horn-rimmed glasses
wear it up in curlers
wear it up in curls
wear it up in pins
wear one's badge
wear the bustle wrong
wear the drag
wear the kilt
wear the ring
wear two (pairs of) shoes
wearer of the breeches
wearer of the pants
wearing a birthday suit
wearing a fat guys slacks
wearing bachelor's buttons
wearing brown gloves
wearing nothing but a smile
wearing one's birthday suit
wearing one's Sunday suit
wear a cut-glass veil
wear a high belly
wear a mourning veil
wear a pair of horn-rimmed glasses
wear a turtleneck sweater
wear bifocals
wear boxer shorts
wear giddy beads
wear horn-rimmed glasses
wear it up in curlers
wear it up in curls
wear it up in pins
wear one's badge
wear the beard
wear the belly highwear the bustle wrong
wear the drag
wear the kilt
wear the ring
wear two (pairs of) shoes
wearer of the breeches
wearer of the pants
wearing a birthday suit
wearing a fat guys slacks
wearing bachelor's buttons
wearing brown gloves
wearing nothing but a smile
wearing one's birthday suit
wearing one's Sunday suit